My Journey

10 Reasons Why Traveling Is Good for You

Why do people travel? Is it really just to take two weeks off from work, spend the money they’ve saved up over six months, and create the illusion that they “can afford it”? You’ve been meaning to change your life for a long time. But work-home-family-obligations-credits and other excuses don’t even allow you to exhale to figure out what kind of change you need. You keep running through life at your own crazy pace, doing nothing. Today I’m going to tell you in detail why traveling can be good for you.

Think about it, look at your life from a different angle, decide what you are missing right now, and what prevents you from living in harmony with yourself. It does not work? Then here’s a working tip: get out of the house and go a little beyond the usual route home-work-store-home. Leaving the familiar environment, even for a short time, turn your life into a journey full of uncertainty, and you can learn about yourself from the most unexpected sides.

It’s hard to stay the same after traveling. Travel broadens our horizons, changes our lives and attitudes, our priorities and values. A trip to another country is the most exciting way to change yourself for the better. Many people don’t realize what a change one little trip can hide. I believe that travel is the best education!

1. How to Make Quick Decisions

At home, you know where to shop, order a pizza, which bus goes to the destination you want, etc. All of these things seem simple. Until you find yourself in an unfamiliar place and realize that you don’t know anything there at all. Then you have to make important decisions, which will literally determine where you will sleep tonight and what you will eat. Such spartan conditions will help you to be responsible for your actions in the future and make decisions more easily.

2. How to Calculate Your Finances

When traveling, you need to include a person in you who is an accountant. Even if you’ve always been bad at math and are really a humanitarian, take the question seriously. You don’t want to be left with no money in the middle of your trip, do you? Before you travel, try to at least roughly plan your budget. At first, you will be stormed from spontaneous to necessary purchases. My advice is to think before you buy something. Ask yourself questions right away: “Do I really need this fan?”.

3. How to Have Fun

A plan is always a good thing. A plan keeps us on track but doesn’t make it a guide to action. The train may be late, the weather may be rainy, the cafe may not have your favorite muffin – the world is not perfect! You don’t have to get upset because something doesn’t add up. Traveling is an opportunity to see the world and gather your own collection of interesting stories. So, relax.

4. How to Become Open-Minded

Use a foreign language to order food in a cafe, buy tickets for a tour, or ask for directions. You didn’t learn it just to get good grades at school or university, did you? Language is another tool to get to know a foreign country, its culture, meet the locals and make new friends.

5. How to Be Thankful

You’ll gain invaluable firsthand experience. The older you get, the harder it is to learn new things. Now is the time! A new environment will show you how the little things play a huge role in your life and make it unforgettable. The journey will remind you to be open to the world, and then the world will be open to you.

6. How to Appreciate Small Things

When you travel, you will realize how little stuff you really need to be happy. Not just because heavy luggage makes your life very difficult when you travel. Traveling is a great way to simplify your life, both spiritually and physically. Your memories won’t take up much room in your backpack, but they will leave you with the baggage of knowledge for the rest of your life.

7. How to Understand Yourself

Many important questions come to you as you travel. When you step away from your everyday life and daily routine, new thoughts come into your head, you begin to look at things differently and it’s likely that the solution to the problem you’ve been holding in your head for the second week will come during one beautiful sunset.

8. How Not to Be Afraid of Loneliness

We live in a world where everyone can be reached at the push of a button. That’s why it’s so important to endure loneliness and not feel tremendous anguish in the process. When traveling to a foreign country, you are somewhat alone, which is why it is so important to be able to find common ground with yourself and not get bored. Once you feel the happiness of your independence from others, you will grow in your own eyes and win one point with life.

9. How to Find the Right People

The people you meet play an important role when you travel. You can share stories with each other, give advice and even explore new cities together. It’s not uncommon for such introductions to grow into lifelong friendships.

10. How to Get Away from Addiction Offline

Enjoy every moment of your trip! Don’t think about the number of likes under photos, which filter to use for the ocean, and which one for the cute little street you managed to find. Forget about your virtual world for those few days and just live in the moments. Then you’ll have time to share photos from your trip with your friends.

Thus, you don’t have to go to extremes and put yourself in danger, but try to try as many new things as possible. After all, you’re on a journey! And this is a time when you need to go beyond the usual.